Picking Limes

It's not about fruit, it's about choices.

I gave birth to two baby boys with no pain and no meds using Hypnobabies.  

It was so easy to learn, I did it mostly in my sleep.  In. My. Sleep.  It was incredible!

Interested?  You can do this too.

I often read about Birth Partners who were unsure of, or even entirely opposed to, the concept of Hypnobabies when they first learned about it.  There aren't a lot of resources out there for Birth Partners to learn from other Birth Partners.  I thought I'd try to change that.  If you've been a partner to a Hypnomama, please fill out this survey so we can share your experience with those who are just hearing about it for the first time and are being asked to participate.

Say as much or as little as you are comfortable with.  I'm asking for a "name" only to give myself more options for organizing these.   Call yourself whatever you like!

Thanks in advance for participating.  Your insights will be a big help to others!

Survey Results and Birth Partner Stories here.